*Ethics (ETH) Courses

Ethics Core Courses


ETH110 INTRODUCTION TO THE MIND & MORAL LEADERSHIP - Students explore and various historical and contemporary perspectives on ethics, leadership, leadership mentality, and practical reasoning skills towards facilitating collaborative projects. Hours: 3


ETHPT120 BASIC ETHICS: The Art of Living - Students develop ethical reasoning skills by exploring and applying major ethical theories to real-life dilemmas. Hours: 3


ETH122 BUSINESS ETHICS: Taking Care of Business - Students develop and engage in ethical reasoning and leadership skills by exploring and applying major ethical theories to the art of working in a business environment. Hours: 3


ETH280 HISTORY OF ETHICAL THINKING - Students explore the development of theories of ethics, value, and morality as they are cultivated from various world traditions. Hours: 3


ETH289 THE LIMITS OF KNOWLEDGE AND VALUES - An introduction to the study of knowledge in general, the nature of fact, value and truth, the structure of scientific explanation and prediction, the nature of causation, laws of nature and induction, and theories of interpretation and their application. Hours: 3


ETH290 DIRECTED ACTION: Philosophical Engagement - Students utilize philosophical tool kit to select and engage in a personal or community project (encouraged to build on PHIL 100 and one of 122-5) and articulate the theoretical considerations embodied in the project. Hours: 3


Ethics Protech (ETHPT) Courses

Bioethics Courses

Environmental Ethics Courses