6:30 - 8:30 pm
Sept 3 - Dec 17
excluding Thanksgiving
106 E. Park St #119
Details in syllabus
- Specific study of the 3 Major Religions of India: Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. A brief history, review of major themes and practices are included. Themes of Buddhism will be included when possible. Sacred texts will be studied. (Cross-listed as PHILPT/SOCPT 231/2) Hours: 3/3
Lectures: Each week may be purchased individually.
Community Course: 4-Week month of Lectures (Block)
September: Hinduism
October: Buddhism
November: Themes of Buddhism
December Jainism
Lectures, Assignments, Assessment, and Project.
Each monthly Religion is a 1 Hour ProTech Religion.
Full course is all Religions from Sept - Dec. 3 Hour Full PT Course
The successful participant will:
1. REL 1 Understand and explain the basic concepts of all religions
2. REL 2 Demonstrate an understanding of the History of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism
3. REL 3 Demonstrate an understanding of the key words and Worlds of Meaning or Theory of the religions of India
4. REL 4 Demonstrate an understanding of the Way of Living Life of religions of India;
5. REL 5 Demonstrate an understanding of the sacred texts of the religions of India
6. REL 6 Demonstrate a capacity to learn from all religions while strengthening one’s own.