The faculty consists of all individuals appointed for the instruction of students. The college faculty consists of five distinct groups: probationary faculty, startup faculty, ranked faculty, special appointment faculty, and administrators with faculty status.
- Probationary faculty are instructors who have received only one or two course contracts. Probationary status may be removed on the completion of two block courses, all assignments related to the courses, and satisfactory evaluations by students and administration. Upon removal of probationary status, instructors become Startup Faculty. May attend startup faculty meetings at the invitation of the administration.
- Startup Faculty are faculty who assist in building the early phases of the college. Startup faculty exist when there are less than 12 full-time faculty in the faculty pool. These faculty will form a collegial faculty community with available administrators to form a working educational structure. Startup faculty who teach at least two blocks of courses during an academic year will be full voting members. When 12 or more full-time faculty members are hired, startup faculty will no longer have full voting faculty privileges. Ranked faculty are full voting members of the faculty and have all the rights and responsibilities of faculty as described in Section Two, parts III and IV of this handbook.
- Special appointment faculty have no voting privileges in the conducting of faculty business. They may attend a faculty meeting if they are invited by the Academic Dean or a Dean of the College.
- The following administrators have ex-officio voting membership in the faculty: College President, Academic Dean, Librarian, and the Registrar.
- Administrators with substantial teaching responsibilities (at least half of their regular assigned responsibilities) have the right to attend faculty meetings, with voice, but not vote, and may be appointed to committees by the Faculty Executive Committee (FEC).
- Voting in elections for membership on the Appointment, Rank and Tenure (ART) Committee is restricted to ranked faculty members.