
Video Conferencing


starting Thursday, January 13 @

6:30 pm

4 week course


106 E Park

College Center

Suite 127


COVID-19 Vaccination mandatory.


Masks to be carried on person.


Introduction to Video Production


Become a YouTube Producer.  Dr. L. Bryan and Nettie K Williams invite you to be a producer of content for YouTube.  YouTube videos have become an amazing reservoir of How-To videos.  Need to fix something? Check YouTube.  Need a new skill, Check YouTube.  Dr. Bryan produces educational and informational videos for McCall College.  Nettie K. is a YouTube art instruction sensation with over 6,000 subscribers and over 500,000 viewers.  Learn how to put your knowledge on YouTube.  This 4 week course starting Thursday, January 13th @ 6:30 pm will introduce YouTube production, OBS software, shoot content, compare LIVE versus recorded, lights and sound, editing, uploading, and monetization.


A video on YouTube.

Required: Laptop with camera and microphone and Vegas Studio software (min. version 12).


A few loaner laptops will be available from the McCall College Laptop Library.  Contract required.