Criteria for McCall College Courses


Review College Catalog for existing course description.  If none, jump to learning objectives and complete.  Then build a shortened version for your course description. Please duplicate Capitals punctuation, and spaces. Please include the non-accredited statement as a separate paragraph. Registrar will assign course number.


MRKPT110 CUSTOMER SERVICE AND ETHICAL SALES - Study and develop effective customer service techniques using ethical strategies to increase sales.  Develop proven techniques for assisting a customer in a retail setting.  Improve product development for better turns.  Understand customer psychology in a consumer society.  Help increase business sales.  Hours: 2.


This is a non-accredited, Professional-Technical (PT) course offering practical job skills for which you will receive a Certificate of Completion, but not transcripted credit.  (This description must be on any page with a course description.)



1 hour per week for 8 weeks = 1 Hour course. (NOTE 2 hours = 1 Credit)

(Note: for an accredited college, 1 hour per week for 15 weeks = 1 credit.  McCall College is not accredited; therefore, we do not use credit terms.)

  1.75 hors per week for 8 weeks = 2 Hour Course (15 minute break)

  2.75 hours per week for 8 weeks = 3 Hour Course (15 minute break)



Any day of the week may be used for classes.  All national holidays are honored.



Courses may be taught anytime from 4:30 pm to 9 pm.



Lecture only.

1 Hour lecture per week.  4 weeks. $55.00

 Instructor Remuneration for Community Course (minimum 6 students):

Base contract: 4 week course:   $165.00 plus $27.50 per student > 6 registered.

10% Bonus for administration of students  $16.50 plus $2.75 per student > 6 registered

10% Bonus for marketing    $16.50 plus $2.75 per student > 6 registered

Maximum remuneration   $231.00 plus $33.00 per student > 6 registered



Lecture, assignments, assessment, transcript.

1 Hour per week for 8 weeks: $110.00.  3 Hour course: $330.00

Instructor Remuneration example for Professional Technical Course 3 Hour (minimum 6 students):

Base contract: 8 week course:   $990.00 plus $165.00 per student > 6 registered.

5% Bonus for Program Administrator  $49.50 plus $16.50 per student > 6 reg.

5% Bonus for new course development  $49.50 plus $16.50 per student > 6 reg.

Maximum remuneration   $1,188.00 plus $198.00 per student > 6 registered



Course times are booked by the Registrar. Classrooms available.  Many classrooms are shared with Crestline Academy (9 am – 4:30 pm).  Instructors are required to return the room to posted configuration at the end of each class period.

 Classroom 216 Art Classroom may be used as an activity room.

 Classroom 218 Cap at 12 students

 Classroom 220 Cap at 20 students

 Conference Room 227 A Cap at 8 Students

 Conference Room 119 Cap at 12 Students

 Lecture Hall 117 (no tables). Cap at 30 students.  With tables. Cap at 12 students.




