GEDPT010 Orientation to the GED and Online Education
All students begin in McCall College Assessment for the GED. Each subject area is individually assessed and the student will receive a Plan for Success. In each subject area, the student will receive one of the following recommendations: Ready for the GED Subject Exam, or 1 Month tutoring with a local tutor, or a group course in the Subject area. Individual GED Instruction is also optional for those students willing to pay for private education. All students are expected to volunteer as able to assist in helping the GED Community to thrive and succeed.
McCall College offers GED Education courses in the 4 GED subject areas:
GEDPT020 General Education in Language Arts: College Reading and Writing (Spring)
GEDPT030 Language of Math: General Education in Math: Algebra 1 & 2, (Fall & Spring)
GEDPT035 Math for the Trades and Health Care
GEDPT040 General Education in Science: Introduction to Physical Sciences (TBD)
GEDPT050 General Education in Social Studies: Introduction to Social Studies. (TBD)
McCall College offers computer and word processing instruction to assist a student in sharpening key college skills:
CITPT113A Introduction to Computers and Microsoft WORD (A) 1 Hr.