Religion (REL) Courses


*Religion & Spirituality Community (RELCOM)


*RELCOM010: Introduction to Religious Studies & Spirituality


*RELCOM020 Ancient Religions Badge:

      RELCOM021 Ancient Religions: Paganism

      RELCOM022 Ancient Religions: Zoroastrianism

      RELCOM023 Ancient Religions: Shamanism

      RELCOM024 Ancient Religions: Native American


*RELCOM030 Religions of India Badge:

      RELCOM031 Religions of India: Hinduism

      RELCOM032 Religions of India: Buddhism

      RELCOM033 Religions of India: Jainism

      RELCOM034 Religions of India: Sikhism


*RELCOM040 Religions of the Book Badge:

     RELCOM041 Religions of the Book: Judaism,

     RELCOM042 Religions of the Book: Christianity (Roman & Orthodox)

     RELCOM043 Religions of the Book: Christianity (Protestant & Others)

     RELCOM044 Religions of the Book: Islam


*RELCOM050 Religions of China and Japan Badge:

     RELCOM051 Religions of China and Japan: Ancient & Buddhism

     RELCOM052 Religions of China and Japan: Confucianism,

     RELCOM053 Religions of China and Japan: Taoism,

     RELCOM054 Religions of China and Japan: Shinto


*RELCOM060 Religions of America Badge:

     RELCOM061 Religions & Spirituality of America: 16oos

     RELCOM062 Religions & Spirituality of America: 17oos

     RELCOM063 Religions & Spirituality of America: 18oos

     RELCOM064 Religions & Spirituality of America: 19oos-present



*RELCOM101 DOORWAY TO SPIRITUALITY - Participants will join in an innovative journey into spirituality.  A simple meal is served. A time of conversation, questions, and discovery together is offered.  Basic traditions of spirituality offered.  Christianity is the focal tradition but many major spiritual traditions will be discussed.  Orientation and field trips to local spiritual centers routinely.  Hours: 2


Professional Technical Courses (RELPT)


*RELPT111/2 INTRODUCTION TO SPIRITUALITY, RELIGIONS & PHILOSOPHIES OF RELIGION - An Introduction to Religion, Religious Studies, & Spirituality. (Cross-listed as PHILPT/SOCPT 111/2) Hours: 3/3.


*RELPT221/2 ANCIENT RELIGIONS AND SPIRITUALITY - An introduction to the belief system of ancient religions: Paganism, Zoroastrianism, Shamanism, and Native American. Hours: 3/3


*RELPT231/2 RELIGIONS OF INDIA: HINDUISM, BUDDHISM AND OTHER INDIAN RELIGIONS- An introduction to the belief system of Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, and Jainism. Hours: 3/3


*RELPT241/2 RELIGIONS OF THE BOOK: JUDAISM, CHRISTIANITY, & ISLAM - An introduction to the belief system of these religions: Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity (Roman & Orthodox), & Islam. (Crosslisted as PHILPT/SOCPT241/2) Hours: 3/3.


*RELPT251/2 RELIGIONS OF CHINA  AND JAPAN An introduction to the belief system of ancient China, Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, and Shinto. Hours: 3/3


*RELPT261/2 DENOMINATIONS  OF AMERICA  An introduction to the structure and belief systems of American Denominations including Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism & Buddhism, . Hours: 3/3


*RELPT271/2 ENVIRONMENTAL SPIRITUALITY & ETHICS  An introduction to environmentalism through the lens of the spiritual traditions of the world, Hours: 3/3